DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-123-128
Formation of universal learning activities aimed at thoughtful reading and writing, critical comprehension of the available information and the creation of educational product among pupils in any subject area, including mathematics classes, is a major concern throughout modern general education. The article considers issues of perception, understanding, interpretation and generation of the learning text as a communicative sign system used in the training process. Authors have formulated theoretical foundations, based on which it is possible to analyze the cognitivesemantic content of educational texts, and the features of text designing in order to achieve understanding and improve the quality of education. Examples of mathematical educational texts are provided as an illustration of these foundations. The developed educational texts (research challenges, dialogues, methodical recommendations, applications, historical overviews, etc.) allow us to create context, suitable for each pupil. Also these texts help to individualize learning, to understand better varying levels of the reflection processes and the formation of personality during training, to carry out the educational process on designing new personal educational products and educational texts in the process of studying mathematics. Educational texts should prepare pupils for independent reading of educational, popular science-oriented and scientific literature; promote the creative acquisition of knowledge and gathering experience in critical, creative thinking and conducting design and research work.
Keywords: semantics, educational text, dialogization, competence approach to teaching, understanding and designing of educational texts on mathematics
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 123 — 128
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