DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-100-108
Studies in the field of pedagogy, psychology and techniques of teaching mathematics show that the success of future mathematics teachers largely depends on how much they possess the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of the patterns of students’ mental (intellectual and personal) development they possess and the ability to apply this knowledge. In particular, knowledge of the basics of intellectual upbringing of students can help in solving the problems of modern school mathematics education. Such a problem statement of vocational training of future mathematics teachers involves the organization of training, in which psychological, didactic, methodological and mathematical knowledge is integrated, that is a psychodynamic approach to learning is implemented. The Department of Mathematics, Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics of Tomsk State Pedagogical University developed one of the ways for implementing this approach. It includes the development and integration of such disciplines as “Methods of Teaching Mathematics”, “Intellectual Upbringing”, “Modern Models for Teaching Mathematics”, “Developing Technologies in Teaching Mathematics” and other. The integration is carried out through the implementation of the following psychological and pedagogical requirements: the knowledge of conceptual theories of training, foundations of intellectual upbringing in particular; formation of a reflexive experience; formation of text competence; the development of an open cognitive position. The main educational strategy is the project activity strategy through case studies, as well as the extensive use of contextual learning. To implement this strategy, various types of learning activities are used that update the psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge of the future mathematics teachers about certain cognitive processes, create conditions for students to learn to identify and compare texts with certain psychodidactic functions, to create the author’s text in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical requirements for modern education.
Keywords: psychodidactics, intellectual upbringing, reflexive experience, text competence, open cognitive position
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 100 — 108
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