DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-92-99
The use of situational problems in the study of methods of teaching chemistry at a pedagogical university is described, and their significance in training of students for professional activity is characterized. The definition and the structure of the situational task is given, its components are singled out. Specific features of differentiated questions to the texts of situational tasks and their use in the training process is described, the character of the cognitive activity of the students when performing different tasks are singled out, specific examples of tasks are given. The availability of the content of the tasks for students, the features of the choice of differentiated tasks, the conditions for their fulfillment, as well as the students’ interest in creative cognitive activity are revealed on the basis of the questionnaire. The tasks of the first level are aimed at reproduction of theoretical knowledge, in the process of their implementation, the reproductive nature of students’ activity prevails.. These tasks are used to repeat theoretical material in practical exercises, seminars or remotely. They contribute to the formation of practical skills and the skills in drawing up summaries of lessons and didactic materials. Tasks of the second level of complexity allow you to integrate materials from different educational areas, which are necessary to solve certain situations. When performing such tasks, the partial search character of students’ cognitive activity predominates and practical skills and skills in developing and compiling methodological materials are improved. Tasks of the third level of complexity develop the ability to analyze information, generalize and systematize it, draw conclusions based on the initial data and justify them. At the same time, there is a deepening and further development of the skills in developing didactic materials, taking into account modern requirements for school chemical education. When performing such tasks, the search activity, creative and authorial approach dominates and the originality in their solution is manifested.
Keywords: competence approach, methods of chemistry teaching, situational task, task structure, questions of the first, second and third levels of complexity to the content of the situational tasks, specific features of differentiated tasks, questioning of students
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 92 — 99
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