DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-76-80
The article deals with one of the key trends in the study process at a technical university – a professional-focused direction in foreign languages teaching methods, the aim of which is to form a foreign language competence in the professional field. The authors consider the significance and multidimensionality of this problem in a technical university educational process, in particular, in training of correspondence students. The authors presume that professional-focused training can significantly enhance the motivation of the students to master a foreign language, since they realize the practical benefit of this knowledge for their future successful professional functioning. The experience of working with correspondence students at a technical university, monitoring their language needs, allows the authors to present a model of professional-focused English language teaching, the key characteristic of which is the creation of the actual teaching and methodological support of the discipline „Foreign Language“. The authors‘ opinion is that the actual content of the discipline will contribute to the realization of the language needs of the students and will help in their future professional activities. The authors generalize their experience of creation of the professional-focused textbooks in the English language which provide learning efficiency; note that texts material is related to the specifics of future professional activities; the semantic and linguistic availability of professional-focused texts is intended to form a system of concepts related to basic professional knowledge, to activate students’ cognitive activity.
Keywords: technical university, correspondence learning, foreign language competence, professional-focused training, integration with special disciplines, language needs, methodological model of foreign language professionally-focused teaching, professionally-focus
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 76 — 80
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