DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-63-67
The content of the information cycle disciplines should correspond to the modern trends in the development of computer and information and communication technologies. Implementation of this requirement is possible with the use of cloud technologies that solve the problem associated with the installation, updating, support for the operation of software and hardware by providing remote access to various cloud services. When studying the disciplines of the information cycle, we focus on cloud services that support the SaaS model (the provision of various software) and STaaS (storage of information as a service). The analysis of the results of questioning of “Clinical Psychology” students showed that they are familiar only with the notion of cloud technologies and in practice they only use services for storing information, creating text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Therefore, it is important in the process of studying the disciplines of the information cycle to introduce the students to a wide range of cloud technologies that will be in demand in future professional activities. At the training sessions, learners are introduced to the capabilities of the cloud tool, which allows you to diagnose characteristics of a person. Next, explore the features of the online Google calendar, in which they create events, translate the texts in Google Translate; create diagrams or charts in Google Drawings; work in a social network Google+, where they create circles, communities of interest; exchange messages, calls and video meetings on Google Hangouts. With the help of the cloud service Google Drive students individually or collectively create and store information objects in the cloud.
Keywords: cloud technologies, information and communication technologies, information cycle disciplines, informatics, Internet innovations
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 63 — 67
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