DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-48-55
The article considers the influence of many associated factors which are of scientific and practical interest and represented in the form of the concept of the multilevel assessment of the potential of interaction between labour market and the market for vocational education services in the reproduction process of a primary labor resource (a young specialist). The analysis, systematization and constant monitoring of the results of the methodological approach to the potential assessment of interaction between labour market and education market allow the government to get the right information at the macro- and meso-levels for adjustment and planning of criteria of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the workforce. It is substantiated that this approach allows the state and its subjects to obtain the necessary information at the macro- and meso-levels to adjust and plan the parameters of the reproduction process of young specialists as a specific category of the labor force and serves as an instrument for managing the interaction of the subjects of the regional markets for vocational education and labor services. Thus, it is shown that effective training of young specialists is implemented to a greater extent in the regions with a favorable demographic structure of the employed population, whose potential is used more rationally in terms of minimizing the costs of unemployment, on the one hand, and the use of incentives for productive labor, aimed at advancing growth of labour productivity over the wage growth with further improvement in the implementation of its reproductive and stimulating functions, on the other hand. In conclusion, the article points out that effective training of labor resources is relevant not only for industry but also for the region in particular, as the economic space of the Russian Federation as a whole is characterized by considerable differentiation in the socio-economic development of the regions.
Keywords: methodological approach, potential assessment, professional education, full employment, market services, reproduction, young professionals, primary labor resource, effective training, continuing education
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 48 — 55
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