DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-30-36
The article reveals the essence of the process of educational activity with young people in the conditions of pedagogical higher education institution. Analyzes the current legislative framework regulating the organization of educational activity of educational institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation and the research of the Russian scientists devoted to this problem. On the basis of theoretical analysis revealed the modern features of organization of educational work at the pedagogical university. Presents a vision of аcme-oriented format of educational work at pedagogical university, as well as the issues of professional probation as the key instrument for acme orientation of the process of education of future teachers. The experience of educational work of Tomsk state pedagogical university, with an emphasis on the process of organizing extracurricular activities is cited. Shows acme resources of student selfgovernment and the possibility of using professional probation in them. Formulated and theoretically substantiated the assumption that the introduction of such modern pedagogical technologies as a professional probation in this process allows to solve the problem of vocational guidance (actually its primary task) of a future teacher, and its systematically organised use will allow you to obtain a number of effects specifying acme orientation of all the system of educational work at the pedagogical university.
Keywords: education, educational activity, pedagogical university, the youth, future teacher, extracurricular activities, professional probation, acme oriented system of educational work
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 30 — 36
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