DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-25-29
The article deals with an analysis of the essence and contents of students’ value-focused orientations. Value orientations in their turn determine the motivation, i.e., the external and internal incentives of human activity and reasons for concrete actions. The main values of life, which have been formed throughout the existence of mankind, are undergoing significant changes in the modern social society. The moral crisis that emerged as a new anti-social phenomenon in the late 20th century is changing the outlook of the youth, placing material gain on priority positions. The study of the value orientations of students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the private and state sector shows that there are no cardinal distinctions between them. In many respects it could be accounted for by the immaturity of the private sector of the educational system, on the one hand, and the inertness of young people’s value orientations, on the other hand. Nevertheless, the study revealed certain dependence of a higher motivation towards creativity in the cases of fee-paying education and a higher consistency between the students’ value orientations in the private HEIs and the market strategy of the Russian reforms. The proportion of students with a creative potential in terms of value orientation in all years of their training is found to be relatively stable and does not exceed 30%. The other students’ creativity orientations are not only developing, but are maintained until senior courses. This is particularly evident in analyzing the responses of students of the Altai State University.
Keywords: values, value orientations, motivation, creativity, state sector of higher education, non-state sector of higher education
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 25 — 29
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