DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-155-159
Context-competence model of the future teacher training, ranked among the modern models of professional pedagogical education, assumes a gradual transition from academic activity to professional activity, it concentrates on knowledge and skills of professional activity in the context. This model assumes the actualization of quasi-professional activities of future teachers. In the article features of quasi-professional activity in pedagogical education, tasks of quasi-professional orientation in preparation of the teacher of a foreign language are considered. The definition of the concept “the task of a quasi-professional orientation” has been clarified, the structure of these tasks and the factors to be taken into account in their development are named. In the process of quasi-professional activity, future teachers form their own pedagogical position; acquire skills of assessment and solving pedagogical situations; learn and comprehend the peculiarities of pedagogical activity of the teacher; form personal qualities that meet the requirements of professional activity. The tasks of the quasi-professional orientation in the methodical training of the teacher are methodical tasks that involve the implementation of quasi-professional activities, primarily related to the leading types of professional activity of the teacher – teaching, planning and analysis. Authors examples of’ tasks of a quasiprofessional orientation for methodical training of a foreign language teacher are given.
Keywords: teacher’s training, methodical training, foreign language teacher, quasi-professional activity, quasiprofessional task
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 155 — 159
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