DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-150-154
In the process of contemporary methodical training of inexperienced teachers of foreign languages they use textbooks which were published not only in the present century (XXI), but also in the previous one (XX). As a rule, these manuals are considered to be classical. Nevertheless, such manuals usually have rather different target orientations and content components in comparison with modern ones. Educational literature on methods of foreign language teaching of the second half of the XX century represents particular interest in comparison with the other evolution periods of such kind of educational literature and the development of methods of foreign languages teaching as an independent science in the matter of target aims, content components and used methodological terms. The given article represents the brief description of the most famous and the most popular domestic textbooks on methods of foreign language teaching of the second half of the XXth century. These textbooks can be divided into two categories: 1) the textbooks of the 50s – 70s (L. S. Andreevskaya-Levenstern, O. E. Mikhailova, V. D Arakin, I. M. Berman, B. F. Korndorf, I. V. Rakhmanov); 2) the textbooks of the 80s – 90s (R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev, G. V. Rogova, I. N. Vereshchagina; G. V. Rogova, F. M. Rabinovich, T. E. Sakharova; E. I. Passov, S. F. Shatilov). They have some different and common features.
Keywords: foreign languages, methods of foreign language teaching, university textbooks, the content of textbooks, target orientations of textbooks
1. Arakin V. D. Metodika prepodavaniya angliyskogo yazyka v V–VII klassakh [Methods of English teaching in the V–VII grades]. Moscow, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Publ., 1950. 323 p. (in Russian).
2. Arakin V. D. Metodika prepodavaniya angliyskogo yazyka v VIII–X klassakh [Methods of English teaching in the VIII–X grades]. Moscow, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Publ., 1958. 370 p. (in Russian).
3. Rakhmanov I. V. Metodika obucheniya nemetskomu yazyku v VIII–X klassakh [Methods of English teaching in the VIII–X grades]. Moscow, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Publ., 1956. 345 p. (in Russian).
4. Korndorf B. F. Metodika prepodavaniya angliyskogo yazyka v sredney shkole [Methods of English teaching in secondary school]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ., 1958. 327 p. (in Russian).
5. Andreevskaya-Levenstern L. S., Mikhaylova O. E. Metodika prepodavaniya frantsuzskogo yazyka v sredney shkole [Methods of French teaching in secondary school]. Moscow, Uchpedgiz Publ., 1958. 424 p. (in Russian).
6. Obshchaya metodika obucheniya inostrannym yazykam v sredney shkole [The General methods of foreign languages teaching in secondary school]. Ed. A. A. Mirolyubov. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1967. 503 p. (in Russian).
7. Berman I. M. Metodika obucheniya angliyskomu yazyku v neyazykovykh vuzakh [Methods of English teaching in non-linguistic universities]. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1970. 232 p. (in Russian).
8. Besedy ob uroke inostrannogo yazyka: posobiye dlya studentov pedagogicheskikh institutov [Conversations about a foreign language lesson]. Ed. E. I. Passov. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1971. 146 p. (in Russian).
9. Shatilov S. F. Metodika obucheniya nemetskomu yazyku v sredney shkole [Methods of German teaching in secondary school]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1986. 223 p. (in Russian).
10. Min’yar-Beloruchev R. K. Metodika obucheniya frantsuzskomu yazyku [Methods of French teaching]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1990. 224 p. (in Russian).
11. Rogova G. V., Vereshchagina I. N. Metodika obucheniya angliyskomu yazyku na nachal’nom etape v sredney shkole [Methods of English teaching at an early stage in secondary school]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1988. 224 p. (in Russian).
12. Rogova G. V., Rabinovich F. M., Sakharova T. E. Metodika obucheniya inostrannym yazykam v sredney shkole [Methods of foreign language in secondary school]. Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publ., 1991. 287 p. (in Russian).
Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 150 — 154
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