DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-142-149
Teaching English for special purposes to aviation specialists should be carried out taking into account the recommendations which were issued by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which serves as a basis for various workbooks for air traffic controllers. Despite the fact that during training process students usually acquire a significant amount of theoretical knowledge, it is not always possible for the teacher to train them properly in practice because of the high pace of studying and the impossibility to work with each student individually. Therefore, for the sake of intensification of educational process, it becomes relevant to use speech simulators. The following paper compares two types of linguistic simulators for practicing and mastering radio telephony phraseology created by European and Russian specialists. We carried out an analysis of sources which were used as a theoretical basis for these simulators and exercises offered in their syllabus as well as test tasks used for progress check. In the following article we proposed the ways of improving the syllabus of the speech simulators by adding new types of exercises with different levels of complexity which, in our opinion, can greatly increase the effectiveness of speech simulators and therefore make teaching of English for special purposes more efficient.
Keywords: professionally-oriented studying, air traffic controller, aviation, professional communication, English for special purposes, speech simulator, intensification of tuition, exercises
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 142 — 149
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