DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-127-131
The following article studies phonetic and prosodic changes in mother’s speech. We consider that the situation of awaking a child preconditions these changes. We propose the role of a mother as socially relevant. Mother’s speech is an informational key to the system of a native language. Basing on Russian and the French language, we analyze qualitative and quantitative changes in consonants and vowels in lexical units of different parts of speech, as well as changes in tone and rate of mother’s utterances. We take into account such phonetic phenomena as longitude of a sound, palatalization of consonants, changes of values in tone. The changes of values in tone are illustrated by graphs. The material for analysis includes audio and video of recorded talk between mothers and their children (age from 0 to 10 months). The participants were divided into two groups: 1) Russian-speaking dyad “mother-child” (5 participants); 2) French-speaking dyad “mother-child” (4 participants). To undertake the analysis we applied computer software package for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics called PRAAT. Resulting in setting minimal and maximal values in tone of analyzed utterances, correlation of longitude of a sound with tone and pragmatic meaning we conclude that these features of mother’s speech are universal for the situation of awaking a child.
Keywords: frequency of the basic tone, mother’s communication, socially relevant role of a mother, speech portrait, phonetic portrait
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 127 — 131
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