DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-118-121
The article is of great importance due to the increasing interest of modern linguistics to issues of conceptualizing time in general and in fact in the perception of representatives of different cultures. The research is conducted on the basis of the Ket language that is crucial due to the raising interest of linguists to the endangered languages. The Ket language is a unique archaic language without literacy, and the only one representing language of the Yenisey linguistic family. The goal of the research is to elicit basic cognitive metaphors of time in the Ket linguage. The research reveals crucial methods to form temporal concepts, universal biologically supported determinated features of temporal representation in the perception of a person. The research also studies occurrence of universal characteristics on the language level on the basis of the Ket language. The research studies the nouns naming time periods and components of its syntagmatic environment. On the basis of comparison of initial and resulting metaphoric meanings of lexical units, the main metaphoric models to percept time in the Ket language have been specified: dynamic language model and static language model. Dynamic language model reveals time as a space that a human passes through. In the work a model of time movement is considered as the basis for language perception because means of its expressions are frequent and regular. Statistic model is considered as less relevant because used only in literal metaphors. The main spatial time image is a straight line indicating back and forth direction.
Keywords: concept, conceptualization of time, metaphors of time, the Ket language
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 118 — 121
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