DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-112-117
Rapid growth of neologisms in the American English causes the relevance of this research. Current linguistic researches (A. R. Nagiyeva, S. N. Shidlovskaya, I. Yu. Chernysh, Yu. E. Shadrina, E. S. Razheva, O. A. Guryanova, A. M. Khayrullina, E. A. Hudinshai other) don’t cover all functional features of neologisms in the modern American English. It is supposed that exactly American mass media sphere is one of the main producing zones of neologisms. But nowadays there isn`t complex research of the American mass media sphere in terms of existing and functioning neologisms there. This fact causes necessity to investigate the main reasons for creation of neologisms in the American mass media sphere and to define their functional status there. Theoretical results of this research contribute to systematization of the existing knowledge of the nature of neologisms. Practical significance of the research is that it can be used as a base for lexicographic fascination of the neologisms which have appeared in XXI century. It is shown that mass media is one of the main spheres where neologism appear and function. Most of them are a result of appearance of new forms of Internet resources, equipment and solutions. There are in the research examples of neologism with the explanation of their meaning and peculiarities of realization in the American mass media sphere. It is stressed that most of neologisms are connotative words, which are used to achieve some effect (pragmatical, ironical, actional, etc.).
Keywords: neologisms, mass media text, neology, American English
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 112 — 117
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