DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-88-95
The author deals with the cognitive basis of the creative processes which underlie the text formation. The subject matter of the study is the creativity of the literary text. While defining the cognitive parameters which contribute to the formation of the creative nature of the literary text, the author grounds the hypothesis about the creative text as the artful deviation from the automatized conventionality on the structural, communicative, conceptual, and semiotic levels of the literary text. The results of the study demonstrate the multilayered organization of the creative text which is formed by the cognitive processes. Among the processes are the associative connections of the chunks of knowledge, their analogical mapping, ambiguity of meaning, conceptual integration and foregrounding. These processes are viewed as the key processes in the cognitive model of the literary text which form structural, semantic and symbolic transformations that refer to the existing literary archetypes. The text is considered to be creative if the author purposefully foregrounds the semiotic level of the text and transforms it. The semiotic transformation entails the transformation of the elements of the other levels of the text. The usage of the highly frequent lexemes and structural repetitions contribute to the formation of the novel processes of the aesthetics of suspense.
Keywords: language creativity, analogy, association, ambiguity, conceptual integration, foregrounding
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 88 — 95
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