DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-79-82
In the article we are talking about the psychological and pedagogical adaptation of Chinese students in preparatory courses, mastering Russian as a foreign language from zero level. The key moment in this process is the psychological and pedagogical support of foreign native speakers by their teacher. Based on the conducted Russian and foreign studies, it is noted that informal communication and extracurricular activities of teachers contribute to facilitating the adaptation process in the new educational environment and improving the performance of foreign listeners. The basis of such activities are curators and tutors of training groups who have knowledge of cultural and religious norms and have an idea of the generally accepted rules of conduct of their wards. It is noted that as a result of the presence of such support, the process of adaptation of Chinese listeners and, accordingly, the educational process is optimized. The problem of psychological and pedagogical adaptation is very multifaceted, so for a more effective psychological and pedagogical support of Chinese students, it is necessary to create a system of common policies supporting foreign students. For the successful adaptation of foreign students to the reality of the Russian cultural, social and educational environment, the services and units of Russian universities that engage in hiring and accompanying foreign students must be staffed by teachers, specialists in the field of intercultural communication, ethnography and psychology. Russia can take a worthy place in the world market of educational services, because it has certain advantages, such as high level of teaching, more affordable cost of education, compared to other countries. To the list of advantages it is possible to add the introduction of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of foreign students, including all stages of the educational process.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, psychological and pedagogical adaptation, psychological and pedagogical support
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 79 — 83
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