DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-56-61
In the article we are talking about the interaction of the higher and secondary schools in the context of the implementation of the competence approach, on the one hand, as a manifestation of the openness and continuity of the modern educational process, on the other, as an important component of the university training of students who study in the field of Pedagogical Education. It is noted that a knowledge component in the university education of this contingent of trainees should be present sufficiently, and substantive training should necessarily be guided by future professional activity. In fact, university training in the subject area of students of a pedagogical university should use the criterion of applicability of information in future professional activity as a priority reference point in studying any topic of each subject block. In this connection, the student is obliged to know the normative base of general education, to have an idea of the programs implemented in the general education school, to be able to give them a competent assessment. The student should be familiar with a certain range of scientific and educational-methodical literature on the subject. The role of educational and production practices, research work, as well as network sites, stimulating students’ motivation for mastering the profession, social adaptation and personal growth, is also being updated in the process of the university training of students-philologists. As an example, the forms of network interaction practiced in the process of implementing the program “Formation of the professional culture of teachers in the new educational conditions” are analyzed as part of the network of the experimental site “school – university” (IAOU School No. 14 named after A. F. Lebedev, Tomsk – Tomsk State Pedagogical University). It is concluded that it is the orientation of a pedagogical university to a school and close interaction with it that will allow for the professional training of students-philologists in the context of the changed requirements of society, presented to the modern teacher.
Keywords: competence approach, openness of the educational environment, network interaction, continuity of the educational process
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 56 — 61
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