DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-44-47
The development of the world technological progress, the population increase, irrational use of the Earth’s natural resources have led to the emergence of serious problems in the sphere of ecology, therefore in particular, the preservation of natural environment of the society has became one of the most important issues for mankind. The emergence of the ecological discourse is referred to the number of symbolic culture phenomena and it is closely related to the formation of ecological consciousness. The communicative space of the ecological discourse is the interaction of legislative (legal) discourse, scientific, political, advertising ecological discourse, academic (teaching) ecological discourse, ecological media discourse. The ecological discourse is characterized by the polyphonic characteristic inclusions of social, pharmaceutical, chemical, technical, agricultural (agrarian), medical, veterinary, religious discourses. This discourse belongs to a mixed type of discourse, that have the features of institutional and personal discourses. The ecological discourse is a complex discursive, multi-dimensional, diverse construction, that can be attributed to the hybrid, polycode discourses. The French national ecological discourse is a part of the global environmental discourse. The characteristic features of the ecological discourse are professionality, termhood, scientificity, accuracy, clarity, cliché character, communication skills, creativity, sense of duty, argumentativeness, alertness, an emotional component, associativity, polyappealability. The complex discursive nature of the ecological discourse has generated a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: ecology, discourse, environmental protection, environmental problems, speech genre
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 44 — 47
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