DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-39-43
The development of the history of the hotel business is closely connected with travelling. French hospitality and hotel service have are world famous. France is considered to be a luxuary holiday destination for residents of other countries. This article deals with the French hotel discourse as one type of institutional discourse, which is a multicomponent complex organized hybrid discursive formation, born as a result of intertwining of the following discourses: legislative discourse (in the sphere of hotel business), French insurance discourse (in the sphere of hotel business), French administrative and managerial hotel (hotel proper) discourse, French scientific hotel discourse, French Academic (educational) hotel discourse, the French hotel media discourse, French hotel Internet discourse. The leading role here belongs to the hotel discourse proper in the sphere of professional communication. Whereas, within each subtype of the hotel discourse, it is possible to discover polyphonic inclusions of historical, art historical, culinary, social, tourist, design, architectural and other discourses. The French hotel discourse as a kind of institutional communication is a complex socio-cultural phenomenon that includes many life spheres of the modern society. In professional communication it is a speech implemented in institutional communication situations, i. e. it is the activity product of a group of people in the hotel service industry. The complex discursive nature of hotel discourse has generated a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: hotel, discourse, hotel discourse, speech genre, a unit of analysis
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 39 — 43
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