DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-32-38
The article deals with the ways of metaphorical interpretation of images of thermal processing of food in the Russian language. The semantics, pragmatics, textual functioning of figurative words and expressions, metaphorically motivated by the verbs “boil”, “fry” and “bake”, which are used to name various objects, qualities, processes and notions based on the analogy with cooking are analyzed. The cognitive metaphorical models and their lexical-phraseological and text representations, typical for this fragment of the figurative language system and the world view are described. Metaphorical projections are based on three initial situations. 1. Temperature exposure, which is projected on a) exposure of sunlight, hot surfaces on objects, a person, sensation of pain in the human body (zharit’, pech); b) physiological discomfort due to being in a hot, stuffy room (varit’, zharit’, pech); c) anguish of mind , anxiety, a sense of longing, deep sorrow (zharit’, pech); d) negative social and psychological effects from other people or social circumstances (zharit’, pech). 2. Transformation of the product is symbolically associated with a) the change of the shape, color of the object, body parts, human skin (varit’, zharit’, pech); b) change in character, moral qualities of a person (pech, varit’); с) with the formation of social stereotypes, habits, principles of thinking fixed in mind (varit’). 3. The nature of the figurative base of metaphorical assimilation may be due to a certain method of heat treatment. Thus, when the products are boiled in water during cooking, the liquid boils, the ingredients are intensively mixed, and these processes are metaphorically projected on a) co-operative vigorous activity , teamwork and implementation of social and political projects; b) active intellectual activity; c) the unification of dissimilar phenomena within the framework of one phenomenon (varevo). While frying the product, one can hear a distinctive sound the frying pan (the dish hisses, sizzles), the oil can splash, the product browns quickly, which is the basis of a) a model idea of the intensity and/or productivity of the action, process; b) projections on a scandalous, tense socio-political situation. When baking, the product is placed inside the oven heated to a high temperature, which causes analogies with a) being in a hazardous situation (peklo); b) deprivation of liberty (upech), c) with pain feelings within the body.
Keywords: ffood metaphor, figurative words and phraseology, metaphorical model, language world view, dictionary
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 32 — 38
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