DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-28-31
The article presents the experience of comparative analysis of phraseological units in the Russian and Chinese languages with the somatic component of the “tooth”. The research analyzed the position of the classic and modern linguistic studies, actualizing the cultural semantization of phraseological units. Analytically described the semantic nests of the collected fund of phraseological units with somatism “tooth” in the Chinese and Russian languages. Carried out a comparison of the shared and unique values of phraseological units. In the Chinese language there are idioms connected with speech activity, with the appearance and facial expressions of a person, reflecting the relationship between people, with a person describing the action of speaking, as well as the unique meanings associated with a book, an article, with durability. The following meanings are established in the Russian language: strength, food, experience, reflection of the person’s negative emotions (resentment, wrath, anger, hatred), the symbolic expression of aggression. It is found that somatism “tooth” in Chinese and Russian phraseological units symbolically replaces the individual elements of the surrounding reality, conditioned by the history of peoples, their religions, customs and traditions, the natural conditions and value systems of the people, and therefore can not be considered identically, which must be taken into account in the process of mastering the language, and in the process of translation.
Keywords: phraseological units, somatism, semantization, comparative analysis
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 28 — 31
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