DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-10-9-14
The article looks at the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in the internet meme as a popular internet communication phenomenon. The relevance of the topic is proved by the lack of research concerning this device in the field of internet communication. The aim of the article is to analyse and describe the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in internet memes. The stylistic device of defeated expectancy is often observed in internet memes which is justified by their genre features (appeal to the reader, humour, irony). This device is used as a specific communicative strategy aimed at involving the reader who is ready to encounter the stylistic device of defeated expectancy in internet memes. It performs the following functions: it serves as a tool for creating humour, intrigue, opposition and paradox in internet memes. This device may also perform some of the above mentioned functions simultaneously. In contrast to fiction this device is not motivated in internet memes by the author’s literary intentions but by his or her aspiration to attract the reader’s attention. The stylistic device of defeated expectancy can be defined as a discursive characteristic of internet memes and is motivated by the humorous, light-hearted genre of this internet phenomenon.
Keywords: internet meme, defeated expectancy, precedent phenomenon, humorous effect, paradox
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Issue: 10, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 9 — 14
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