This work develops stated in paper [1] positions on teaching of disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycle. Allocation of interdisciplinary communications during the study of discipline “Informatics” is in the focus of the author’s research. The article considers the place of discipline “Informatics” in the program of training students of a bachelor degree for “Economics” and “Сonflictology” directions of training. We also consider the types of tasks for independent work of students and the example of training materials for a case on the discipline “Informatics”. Presents the structure of an electronic course in the system of support of independent work. Defines the main directions of improvement of technique of teaching discipline “Informatics”.
Keywords: technique of teaching discipline, training of students, case, independent work of students, Humanities college, informatics
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 101 — 105
Downloads: 727