The article is devoted to activity of the famous teacher G. S. Ibragimov (Shnasy) on creation of textbooks of a natural cycle for the Tatar schools. The main content of research is the analysis of textbooks of the author in chemistry and physics – the first independent textbooks in the Tatar language. Emphasizes versatility of the teacher's scientific activity, which is displayed through the knowledge of foreign languages and the appropriate use of this knowledge in creating textbooks, which are still actual nowadays. Traces G. S. Shnasy's becoming as the methodologist who made a huge contribution to development of a technique of teaching natural disciplines. Attention is paid to the activity of the teacher in the field of creation of scientific terminology in the Tatar language, which is relevant at this stage.
Keywords: textbooks, Tatar madrasah, technique, physics, chemistry, scientific terminology
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 121 — 124
Downloads: 756