The article provides examples of problems in electrodynamics, used in the educational process of Higher College of Informatics of Novosibirsk state University. In the presented material it is shown that the use of computer methods significantly expands the range of problems in relation to complexity and variety of applications of acquired knowledge. Numerical evaluation of integrals and the integration of differential equations allows us to circumvent the mathematical difficulties encountered in solving physics problems. Graphical methods and animation allow you to present the results in a visual form and make the process of solving problems more attractive. The use of computers in the study of physics, refreshes, stimulates and improves programming skills, knowledge of numerical methods for solving mathematical problems. The obtained knowledge can be used when studying different applications of physics: electronics, mechanics. Experience has shown the need to introduce computer methods in standard program in physics and the development of appropriate teaching materials.
Keywords: physics problems, computer modelling
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 89 — 95
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