The article presents the grounding for the necessity of competent and professional communication for students of the training areas “Advertising and public relations”. It is noted that the formation of students’ communicative abilities should be based on the scientific style of speech using special scientific terminology. The role of the professional thesaurus as a major educational component, its importance in the formation of a professional linguistic world of the future expert in the field of mass communication is considered. Professional language picture of the world is to interact with the professional student's thesaurus. It predetermines the level of his professional knowledge and the extent of his competence. All this means that to understand this or that phrase or text, a person must put it through his professional thesaurus, relate to his professional knowledge and find an appropriate place of its contents in a professional picture of the world.
Keywords: thesaurus, advertising, public relations, professional speech communication
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 40 — 43
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