The article deals with the rhetorical strategies of the argumentative orientation, implemented in the presidential discourse of V. V. Putin and D. A. Medvedev. The empirical material is the texts of Russian President's speech at the press conferences of 2010–2012. Press conference is a synthetic genre which combined declamatory monologue and public dialogue, as well as in their entirety exhibit features of idiolexicon and idiostyle and linguistic identity politics. There is a high degree of functional loading of the texts of this sort: through policy statements there is the opportunity not just to appeal to both the international community and to its citizens, but also to influence their audience. Political discourse can be considered today as one of the most important objects of analysis in linguistics. Argumentative political activity is defined as the basis of speech influence and the main means of achieving the objectives in the process of communicating with mass audience. The research was carried out within the framework of traditions of rhetorical argumentation. On specific text examples, are considered the methods by means of which are represented the rhetorical argumentative strategies of different types. The author comes to the conclusion that there are similar and different features of idiostyle and idiolexicon of the analyzed linguistic personalities exhibited by them in the framework of media discourse.
Keywords: argumentation, rhetorical argumentation, rhetorical strategy, political communication, presidential discourse
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 27 — 34
Downloads: 767