The article is devoted to one of the components of moral upbringing of the personality in the Abkhazian national pedagogy. In the ethnopedagogical researches the author claims that the moral party of upbringing is the most urgent and significant in the conditions of the studied region which analysis is allowed to determine inherence of morals, ethics, cultural wealth of the people from his beliefs. Scientific novelty and the theoretical importance of the undertaken research is that it designates for the first time the importance of forms of implementation of national pedagogy by means of religious views of Abkhazians, determines their regulatory function. As a conclusion the author emphasizes efficiency of upbringing impact of religious regulations and beliefs on younger generation, offers creatively, but with a careful eye to modern reality to use them in the education system of the republic.
Keywords: religion, religious views, Abkhazians, national pedagogy of Abkhazians, ethnopedagogics, Republic of Abkhazia, national upbringing, moral upbringing
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 40 — 44
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