The article discusses the features of the political development of the Tuvan People’s Republic in the 1920s–1930s, associated with both lack of experience of the independent existence of the state in previous periods of its development and great influence of the USSR on all aspects of life of the Tuvan society. The last circumstance led to the adoption of a one-party political system headed by the Tuvan people’s revolutionary party, formed almost simultaneously with TPR in 1922. The young Republic at the same time gained experience in both state and party organization. Considering the total illiteracy in the 1920s, the former ruling elite continued to take the leading positions in the state. Active intervention of the Soviet Russia in the internal political situation of the TPR in the late 1920’s led to the coming to power of the “lefts”, that began a radical socialist transformation, and proclaimed a non-capitalist way of the development of the country. A political system, similar to the USSR, is gradually being approved in Tuva. The scientific importance of the study is determined by the fact that its results and the conclusion deepen and widen the existing information in the national historiography on the historical experience of the state-organization in the years of the TPR, moreover, they reveal the features of its political development both in the time under consideration and in the present time.
Keywords: Tuvan People’s Republic, sovereignty, Constitution, Tuvan people’s revolutionary party, Tuvan revolutionary youth Union, the Great Khural, the Small Hural, “left”, “right”
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 158 — 164
Downloads: 721