The article discusses the activities of women’s charities in one of the cities of Tomsk province during the First World War. On the basis of archival materials and local periodical press revealed information about the 5 ladies’ committees working in Barnaul on a permanent basis, and several temporary ones. Defines types, social structure, areas of work. It is shown that ladies’ committees and clubs were created mostly at the initiative of the local departments of the Russian Red Cross Society and other charities, churches, city authorities. They played an important role in creating a sense of unity of the people and the army. The study of women’s charitable organizations in different regions is necessary for the study of civic engagement in the Russian Empire in the beginning of XX century, public self-organization during the war.
Keywords: Barnaul, ladies’ committee, women’s charity, the First World War
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 151 — 157
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