The article describes excursus of using of metaphor in pedagogy in the late 20th century – in the early 21st century and its perspectives. The capabilities of metaphor as methodological means for solving some educational problems are in low demand. In this regard the understanding of pedagogical capabilities of metaphor seems to be promising at the level of technologies, methodical steps of their using. The author of the article differentiates the most used terms “pedagogic metaphor” (A. F. Zakirova and others) and “didactic metaphor” (M. A. Akhmetov, Ye. A. Musenova, D. Trunov, A. A. Pligin, V. E. Pugach, E. N. Dzatkovskaya and others) in publications. The functions of metaphor are determined. The article considers the classification of didactic metaphors. It discusses promising directions of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphor. The object of the article is to describe demand and perspectives of using of pedagogic and didactic metaphors in pedagogy.
Keywords: metaphor, pedagogic metaphor, didactic metaphor, transdisciplinary knowledge
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 169 — 175
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