The author offers the direction of development of content of training in theoretical programming, which is the science of mathematical models of the concept of “program” and includes the following topics: lambda calculus, type theory, combinators theory, theory of categories. The author carried out a logical and semiotic analysis of the one of the sections of studying theoretical programming “The monomorphic type system λ→” (showing dependence of terms on terms). The main emphasis is placed on the methods of solution of the main types of tasks of system with use of the GHC interpreter, containing tools on establishment of existence of an output of the typified λ-term and type inference of a λ-term. The competences acquired by trainees following the results of study of monomorphic type system are as a result formulated.
Keywords: theoretical programming, λ-cube, monomorphic type system, logical and semiotic analysis of the content, Curry-Howard isomorphism, minimum propositional logic (Prop)
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 143 — 150
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