The article observes the problems of valuable attitude towards foreign-language culture in the context of a foreign language training. The analysis of the integrative nature of valuable attitude is directed to identification of the components of its structure and peculiarities of their interconnected functioning for harmonization of personal development of students as subjects of cross-cultural dialogue. This work reveals psychology and pedagogical mechanisms of its formation in the context of foreign-language education and regularity of the organization of educational process in a foreign language focused on their development. The field of sense-formation includes all the spheres of the human personality – not only cognitive, but affective, motivational and activity as well. Taking into consideration the patterns of functioning of valuable attitude and organizing their work properly, teachers could make the process of training in a foreign language a real way of mutual cross-cultural enrichment and personal development of their students.
Keywords: valuable attitude, foreign-language culture, sense formation, educational creative activity
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 130 — 135
Downloads: 692