This work deals with the analysis of experience of teaching by the author the discipline “Document science and documentary ensuring management” to students of Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences during 2015–2016 academic year. This discipline has been taught to the students of the IV course, which trained in the profile “Applied informatics (in economics)”. In addition, it is considering the structure of electronic rate in the system of support of independent work of students. Provides the examples of tasks for the independent work of students, which they have been executing during the development of the DIRECTUM electronic document management system (EDMS) and the statistics of accomplishment of these tasks by the students. Develops the statements of the papers [1, 2].
Keywords: intersubjective relationships, document science and documentary ensuring management technique of teaching discipline, training of students, independent work of students, Liberal Arts College
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 126 — 129
Downloads: 670