This article is devoted to the topical problem – the intensification of learning activities in classes of musicaltheoretical subjects. These subjects play an important role in the development of hearing and musical thinking of the future professional musician. The author considers the learning activity as a complex and multicomponent process designed to change the student – the subject of training. The basic components of educational activity are carried out: the motive of learning activity, goal setting, training activities, control and evaluation. Management principles of educational activity of students are defined: management as support and maintenance, flexibility and situationality, delegation of authority and responsibility to the students. Pedagogical effect on all component parts of the category, as well as increased activity of all subjects of teaching is expected to activate the learning activity. In order to influence the component “training activities” the system of algorithms is developed for different types of learning tasks for the most demanding musical-theoretic disciplines – “Solfeggio” and “Harmony”. The first positive results are evident in the tendency to improve the quality of results, indicating involvement of students in co-management of educational activities.
Keywords: intensification of learning activities, educational activities, musical-theoretical disciplines, system of algorithms
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 113 — 116
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