Due to reforms in the state policy in pre-school education the task to develop children’s ability for making up fairy-tales as one of the forms of children’s abilities for speech creativity acquires special importance. Now main guidelines for organizing the educational process to develop children’s ability for speech creativity are found in the Federal state educational standard of pre-school education. However, the main points of Federal state educational standard of pre-school education often remain only declared, because they are ahead of invalid methodological supplies of programs used in contemporary kindergartens. It can be proved through analyzing the contents of traditional education, some diagnosing methods and results of using these methods that allow to evaluate the development of children’s ability to make up fairy-tales due to certain criteria and characteristics. The article discloses the reasons for lack of dynamics in the development of pre-schoolers’ creative ability. Singles out components and peculiarities of organizing the educational process to develop senior preschoolers’ ability for making up fairy-tales in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal state educational standard of pre-school education.
Keywords: pre-school education, educational process, speech creativity, ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 13 — 19
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