The article offers general criteria of the communicative and pragmatic analysis of the individual media discourse of a television journalist. These criteria reflect subjective characteristics of a journalist (for example, use of tropes and rhetorical figures, intonation, facial expressions, gestures, looks, etc.) and objective characteristics of television discourse and media discourse in general (for example, program format, graphic, sound and color design of the program, the model of interaction with the audience, etc.). Individual media discourse of journalist considered by the author from the standpoint of forming a complete image of a journalist in terms of his professional verbal behavior. Linguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic factors of formation of individual media discourse are described separately. Specificity of genre of weekly information and analytical program on domestic television are characterized. Weekly information and analytical program is seen as a particularly topical TV genre. This program is a “calling card” of channel, presenter of this program is a “face” of the channel. The individual media discourse of Dmitry Kiselev, “Rossiya 1” television presenter, will be described (on an example of the information and analytical program “Vesti nedeli”).
Keywords: discourse, media discourse, individual media discourse of a journalist, information and analytical program, discourse testing, communicative and pragmatic analysis
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 70 — 75
Downloads: 1081