The article points to a notion of “intellectual substyle” of language personality on the basis of linguistic approach with the use of different types of dictionaries which fix the image of this phenomena on the basis of usage and collective language consciousness information. Its peculiarities with a glance to psychologists’ opinion and works of specialists in linguopersonology are defined in the article. Intellectual substyle is examined in trend of communicative stylistics of text as a component of cognitive style of language personality along with mental-psychological substyle which includes sphere of its emotional and intellectual motivation and psychological peculiarities; it also goes along with thesaurus substyle which reflects specificity of informational thesaurus of personality, its simplicity/complexity, measure, intensity, width, variety and originality of associations; at last it goes along with epistemic substyle which reflects support of object and practical experience either theory and logic, or figurative sense of reality in cognitive activity of language personality. From the view point of linguistics and with support of dictionaries intellectual substyle is defined by the author as typical for language personality intellectual peculiarities which are reflected into discursive practices and are estimated in positive or negative way in society, and are presented as distinctive features from the birth or in the process of education. These intellectual peculiarities include possibility of effective intellectual and creative activity which are expressed into remake of different information (complicated, abstract and daily), its analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, getting new information, possibility of providence, availability of knowledge, intellectual interest and achievements in intellectual sphere, quickness at situations comprehension and reactions on it, importance and measure of thoughts, subtext and mood feeling skill, possibility of its usage for certain aims.
Keywords: idiostyle, communicative stylistics, intellectual substyle, cognitive style, language personality, lexicographic sources
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 62 — 69
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