The article deals with the creation of the image of the Russian epistolary on the material of the letters of linguistic personalities of elitist type of speech culture (M. V. Nesterov, F. I. Chaliapin, V. I. Vernadsky, M. I. Tsvetaeva, Yu. M. Lotman, D. D. Shostakovich, V. S. Vysotsky, V. P. Astafijeva, D. S. Likhachev, A. S. Demidova). Modeling of the genre image as part of the speech of native speakers of consciousness is carried out in the axialogical with the help of metagenre comments of the listed addressees the best representatives of the Russian creative intelligentsia of the ХХХХ™ centuries. It is concluded that in the minds of the speech of this type epistolary occupies a definite place, has a high degree of significance, recognizability, differentiation with respect to other genres, is an active reflection carriers. Contribute to this genre such properties as poly-and full-featured, polidiskursivity, multy-code, reproducibility, Plate Making build, and syncretism of different kinds of characteristics: content-themed polyphony, a variety of illocutionary author’s installations, multiple categories of epistolary addressee in complex epistolary dialogism, diverse palette of language means representation of author’s intent, varies stylistic markedness texts. Axiological characteristic epistolary determined by its key function - communication, allowing classing epistolary texts to a special kind of speech products “antropotekstov” (N. D. Golev).
Keywords: epistolary genre, message as a text type, axiological aspect of consideration, metagenre comments, linguistic personalities of elitist type of speech culture
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 54 — 61
Downloads: 809