The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept memory in a comparative aspect of silver age poets’ writing such as N. S. Gumilyev and A. A. Akhmatova. The concept is analyzed on the basis of intertextual associativesemantic fields modeling that allow to identify different semantic aspects of the concept and individual author’s peculiarities of association. The result of research showed that common lexemes, that correspond to the usual meaning of the lexem memory, for poetic creativiy by A. A. Akhmatova and N. S. Gumilyev are the following areas of association: memory as a memory of anything (about love, about the events that happened earlier, about objects of the surrounding world, about time of action, etc.); memory as the total of the experience gained by the person or people; memory features. In the poetry of A. A. Akhmatova memory about the events of the past is painted emotionally due to sensual perception of the poetess. In her poems the relation of the concept memory with heart and soul becomes actual. In the poems by N. S. Gumilyev memory is connected not only with past time, but with future time too, with deep or archetypal memory, and it is of great importance for the poet, because it is the focus of experiences, thoughts, feelings, stimulating creative activity and correlates with knowledge.
Keywords: concept, concepts nominate, poetic worldview, direction of association, associate text, intertextual sense-associative field
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 47 — 53
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