The article points to examination of functions of associative words connection in text formation as one of the important factors in dialogue between an author and an addressee of feature text. A text is considered in communicative-action approach as the main form of communication. The research is done in trend of theory of textual associations, which is elaborated in communicative stylistics of text. Typical associations on key stimulus word in the system of feature text are considered in the capacity of associative standards. Standard associations on stimulus word were detected in associative experiment and reflected into Russian Associative Dictionary and then they were correlated with level organization of feature text. This organization consists of informative-notional and pragmatic levels and also corresponded to them sublevels, such as object-logical, thematic, subject-composition in the network of informative-notional level and figurative, emotional and idea-esthetic in the network of pragmatic level. Associative standards as factors of text formation are examined on poetic texts about autumn by Russian poets.
Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, theory of text associations, associative norms, text formation, textual associates, lexical structure of poetic text
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 32 — 39
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