This article is based on the theoretic ideas of Kazan linguistic school about syntagmatic relations and describes the syntagmatic relationships of the lexemes meaning “morality” contained in the novels of one of the most shocking and replicable modern writers Sergei Minaev. The main result is that the analysis of syntagmatic relations of words with moral content in the works of this author suggests the emergence of alternative ethical system in the consciousness of a native Russian speaker. In the framework of this system becomes a frequent characteristic to change positive connotation value involved in the correlation of lexemes to a negative one. In addition, under the influence of the text environment occasional syntagmatic relation of lexemes with moral value can cause the formation of new lexical meaning of the words-representatives of category “morality”.
Keywords: morality, Kazan linguistic school, vocabulary, lexeme, syntagmatic relations, meaning, connotation, context, semantic shift
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Issue: 9, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 14 — 19
Downloads: 843