The article addresses the problem of multiple negation in eastern, Vach and Vasjugan, dialects of Khanty and Southern dialects of Selkup. The article is based on the typology of multiple negation according to which four types of multiple negation can be pointed out: double negation, weakening negation, negative concord and emphatic negation. In the beginning of the article the information on theory of common and multiple negation is given. Also some peculiar theoretical moments such as negative polarity items and etymological duplets are discussed. Then, consequently, for each language, different markers and strategies of negation are discussed: common negation, imperative negation, existential negation, negation at pronouns and adverbs, negative modal verbs, morphological negation, negation under the influence of Russian. On this basis, different strategies of singular and multiple negation were revealed. At the end of the article the comparison of these strategies in two languages and conclusion takes place. In the languages under discussion, in the sphere of negation, some systemic changes took place connected with the influence of dominating Russian language. Different negation markers were loaned from Russian and adapted to the common use of native speakers.
Keywords: endangered Siberian languages, multiple negation, typology
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Issue: 10, 2014
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 106 — 113
Downloads: 792