Poe’s works are considered to be the beginning of the detective fiction on the whole. Poe’s “logical stories”, generally regarded as the “detective” ones, are based on crimes’ solving. The analysis of the motives of crimes can be found in his “self-accusation stories”. The micro cycle of the “self-accusation stories” within Poe’s detective cycle will help study Russian reception of Poe’s detective stories in detail.
Keywords: E. Poe, the cycle, detectiveness, the ratiocination, the self-accusation story, the detective, the criminal
1. Grossman J. D. Edgar Allan Poe in Russia. Legend and Literary Influence. St. Petersburg, 1998.
2. Kovalyov Y. V. Edgar Allan Poe. Short-story writer and Poet: Monograph. Leningrad., 1984.
3. Venedictova T. D. «Conversation in American English»: Sale Discourse in the USA Literary Tradition. Moscow., 2003.
4. Shogentsukova N. A. A trial of Ontological Poetics. Мoscow, 1995.
5. Scaggs J. Crime Fiction. London, 2005.
6. Salgado G. Three Jacobean Tragedies. Harmondsworth, 1969.
7. Bavin S. P. XXth Century Foreign Detective . Мoscow, 1991.
8. Nakamura K. Dostoyevsky’s Sense of Life and Death. St. Petersburg, 1997.
9. Poe E. A. Short stories. Archangelsk, 1981.
10. Symons J. Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel. New York, 1993.
Issue: 4, 2009
Rubric: Literature
Pages: 143 — 147
Downloads: 982