Neuronal constants in Psychology
New ideas on wave neuronal processes and only two neuronal constants, H. Berger’s and M.N. Livanov’s ones, which were included into a dozen of simple algebraic equations, permit us to explain interrelationship of many known quantitative regularities in psychology. New equations, which were derived deductively from neurophysiological data, permit to explain quantitatively a lot of psychological phenomena in a broad range of conditions, particularly, the speed of gain of information and the dependence of short-term memory span on the alphabet span of stimuli. Besides it was shown in experiments with hundreds of subjects that individual parameters of electroencephalogram permit to compute individual peculiarities of human behavior, in partial to compute MMPI psychological profiles as well as to esteem intellectual abilities of human being. The predictors were electroencephalographic parameters like amplitudes and frequencies of EEG waves as well as coefficients of correlation between activities at different brain areas in resting state of subject
Issue: 10, 2007
Series of issue: Pedagogy and Psychology
Pages: 5 — 16
Downloads: 994