The Analysis of a Level of Pollution by Priority Substances in Аbakan of Republic Khakasia
The results of airpollution monitoring in towns of Republik of Khakasia demonstrate that the average annual concentration of benzapilene increased by 14,6 % in Abakan, 51% in Sayanogorsk and 24 % in Chernogorsk in 2002. 47,7 % of emissions fall to mototransport’s lot. The analysis of snow and soil by the method of gas chromatography and chromatography – mass spectrometry in the zones of blowout dispersion by the heat and power plant of «Khakasenergo» proved that the content of benzapilene in the blanket of snow is 4·10-5 mg /dm3, in the soil is 0,0010 mg /kg. The usage of different methods of atmospheric emission purification and technology of complete combustion of fuel contribute to the solution of enviromental problems. Per 2003–2004 years the analysis of a snow cover and ground on pollution BP in various areas of city Abakan is carried out in view of sources of pollution
Issue: 6, 2006
Series of issue: Sciences
Rubric: Chemistry
Pages: 83 — 86
Downloads: 945