Expanding AdSs branes: time dependenteigenvalue problem and production of particles
An analysts is first given of the situation where a scafar field is contained between two fixed, spatially flat, branes. The usual fine-tuning (RS) condition is relaxed, and the branes are allowed to possess a positive effective cosmological constant ». We first analyze the eigenvalue problem for the Kaluza-Klein masses when the metric is time dependent, and consider in detail the case when » is small. Thereafter we consider, in the case of one single brane, the opposite limit in which » is large, acting in a brief period of time T, and present a "sudden approximation" calculation of the energy produced on the brane by the rapidly expanding de Sitter space during this period.
Issue: 7, 2004
Series of issue: Science (Special Release)
Rubric: Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
Pages: 45 — 49
Downloads: 1003