The Word-Image «Garden» in B. Pasternak's Book «Life is My Sister»: Peculiarities of Its Lexical Implementation and Its Role in the Process of the Semantic Analysis of the Text (Based on the Collection of Poems «lsn't it Time for Birds to Sing»)
The article is dedicated to the problem of perception and interpretation of the text of belle-iettres. An attempt has been made to analyze some peculiarities of the lexical usage of the word image «garden» in B. Pasternak's poetic text from a new point of view (in the functional pragmatic aspect). The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the collection of poems «isn't it Time for Birds to Sing» from the third book of poems «Life is My Sister» (1922).
Issue: 1, 2002
Series of issue: Humanities (Philology)
Rubric: Academic Papers
Pages: 26 — 31
Downloads: 954