Phenomenon of the Informatical War in modern socio-cultural context.
The article deals with basic characteristics of this phe¬nomenon. Social, psychological and cultural problems of informatical war and individual mind are proposed there. As a factual basis events of bombing in Yugoslavia and occupation of Kosovo by NATO troops in spring 1999. And military-policed operations of Russian federal center in Chechnja in 1994-1996 and 1999-2000 are given. Aims, result and functions of informatical war, its negative role in ethno - cultural identity and normal functioning of a per¬sonality are analysed. Keywords: formation of informatical alternative, infor¬mational and classical war, collective mind, syndrome of informational war.
Issue: 3, 2000
Series of issue: Humanities (Special Issue)
Rubric: Problems of Social Psychology
Pages: 46 — 50
Downloads: 906