DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-2-75-79
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the regulative potential of the precedent name in media discourse. This problem is relevant in modern linguistics and is studied in the framework of different directions. The article points to communicative stylistics of the text in the aspect of the regulative theory. Methods of actualizing the regulative function of the precedent name are described on the textual material of the corpus of modern newspapers of the Russian National Corpus. Mythonyms which are prominent regulatory means of attracting the attention of the addressee were analysed in the article. Thus, contexts analysis of a newspaper corpus mythonyms Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Prometheus showed that in case of realization of mythonyms only the nominative function its regulative potential might be due to the invariant perception of a precedent text that is stored in the cognitive basis of the addressee and which is determined by its presuppositions. The factors influencing the degree of precedent onym’s regulativity in newspaper journalism, for instance, the use of situation-based illustrative context, the appeal to the source, the use of figurative means and transformed statements have been defined. Situational contexts that direct the recipient to the mythological stories serve as the actualizing mean of the relevant background information, its presuppositions. Mythonym in such a context is a strong regulatory tool, as not only appeals to the cultural memory of the audience, but fills in gaps in the information thesaurus. It is established that the regulative potential of precedent onyms is due to the implementation of cultural, educational and operating functions of the newspaper.
Keywords: precedent name, mythonym, text communicative stylistics, regulative potential, regulative function
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 75 — 79
Downloads: 975